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Abstract (English):
Viticulture is one of the priorities of the economic development of the Crimea and Sevastopol. Variety, soil and climate are considered the three main components of the terroir. The physical properties of the soil include the granulometric and aggregate composition, structural condition, bulk density, porosity, hydraulic permeability, etc. On soils with low permeability, due to insufficient drainage and aeration, plants receive less than just moisture, but also oxygen, which can even lead to plant death. In order to properly adjust the physical properties of the vineyard soils, it is necessary to first measure them correctly. The static (for a constant flow rate) hydraulic permeability is determined by the well-known Darcy law. The design of the constant head permeameter is given. Displays the working formula for permeability measurement. It is shown that the advantage of the permeameter of the proposed design is that the selection of the pressure difference is carried out directly from the environment, which eliminates errors associated with pressure loss during the passage of the grids and filters. The Kozeni-Carman formula and the graphs used to calibrate the permeameter are given. Determined by Kozeni-constant for glass beads. It is shown that the source of error is the packing fluctuations.

hydraulic permeability, permeameter, Kozeni-Carman relation
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