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Abstract (English):
The size of linear peptide molecules is considered as a number of amino acid residues ( p ) contained in them. The aim of this work was to analyze the region of existence and occurrence of various natural peptide structures with different p -values. We used SwissProt database contained more than 560000 complete primary structures. We have removed structures containing non-standard amino acid residues, as well as identical amino acid sequences. As a result, 463450 different sequences with a length of 2 to 35,213 amino acid residues were obtained for analysis. The analysis showed that the number of peptide structures on p -scale is characterized by different areas of existence in different biological domains and kingdoms, and the shapes of the profiles of the curves obtained are close to classical distributions. However, they can have sharp high peaks, indicating the presence of a large number of specific proteins with the same p -value. Possible reasons for the existence and features of such distributions are considered.

UniProt, peptide, protein, amino acid sequence, UniProt database
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