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Abstract (English):
Bromelain has a wide range of therapeutic efficacy: it demonstrates in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities. The enzyme modulates the functions of adhesion molecules in the blood and endothelial cells, as well as regulates and activates various immune cells and cytokine production. The enzyme is used as an alternative or additional preparation for glucocorticoids, non-steroidal antirheumatic preparations and immunomodulating agents. In the present work, the physico-chemical and kinetic properties of bromelain in free and immobilized on the chitosan matrix states were studied. It has been established that the temperature range for the functioning of soluble and sorbed bromelain ranges from 50 to 70ºC; the optimum pH for the functioning of the native and immobilized enzyme is 7.5; the maximum rate of enzymatic catalysis of free and immobilized preparations is observed at azocasein concentrations of 0.4 mM; the maximum reaction rate for bromelain immobilized on medium molecular chitosan decreases 2.2 times, and for enzyme sorbed on high molecular chitosan it decreases 1.7 times. Immobilization of bromelain on the chitosan matrix does not lead to a shift in the temperature optimum, but increases the thermal stability of the enzyme.

bromelain, immobilization, physico-chemical properties of enzymes, chitosan
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