In this paper, we studied the influence of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field on viability and magnetic properties of magnetically modified and native yeast cells. As a result of magnetic labeling with different extracellular concentration of magnetic nanoparticles in the culture medium, samples of suspensions of viable magnetically labeled yeast cells with different magnetic susceptibility were obtained. Measurements of cell viability showed that the procedure of magnetic modification reduces cell viability less than 30% compared with native cells. It was found that under the action of an alternating magnetic field, cells lose their viability in frequency-dependent manner. The greatest effect of inhibiting viability by an alternating magnetic field is in the native yeast suspension. In addition, we found no significant changes in the magnetic properties of cells after their treatment by alternating magnetic field. A possible explanation of the viability data might be the action of inductive currents on yeast cells.
magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic labeling, alternating magnetic field, yeast cells
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