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Abstract (English):
It is known that any living organism consists of a significant amount of asymmetric compounds, and that asymmetric molecules can have a selective effect on other enantiomers. Two seemingly chemically identical molecules may have quite different effect on a living organism. This is especially important to consider when creating medicines, since stereoisomers of opposite types have different effects on the body: one form of drug can have a therapeutic effect, while the other form may not be assimilated at all, or be less active, and even cause serious complications, being toxic to the body. In the development of the concept of the role of chirality in the structure of biomacromolecules, for the first time a selection of drugs has been purposefully analyzed, classified according to the following criteria: the impact on the body, active isomer, type of drug and target impact. The analysis of drugs from the standpoint of chirality allowed us to determine which form of drugs has a therapeutic effect more often. The obtained results can be further used to establish the relationship between the chiral form of the drug and its effect on a specific target.

chirality, enantiomers, hierarchy of structures, proteins, DNA, drugs
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