The conditions of self-organization and the role of drift in the course of mutations through the percolation selection grid and their fixation are considered. From the point of view of the fluctuation-bifurcation process, new concepts of the lower and upper threshold of the mutation process are defined in the three-dimensional hierarchical structure of speciation. The upper and lower thresholds of the percolation selection grid as mechanisms of the fluctuation-bifurcation development of biological evolution at the population level and species formation are considered. It is shown that if the lower threshold of the percolation selection grid does not lead to qualitative changes in the population structure, the upper threshold is the point of bifurcation of the evolutionary development of the population, which is overcome by irreversible processes in the population caused by the accumulation of mutations.
natural selection, self-organization, fluctuations, bifurcations, percolation thresholds, mutations, drift
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