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Abstract (English):
Electrochemical behavior of adrenaline and dopamine in hydrogel guar gum and polyacrylamide media was shown in the research. Graphite electrodes modified by (poly)toluidine blue were used. We evaluated diffusion of catecholamines in hydrogels using cyclic voltammetry (CVA) method. It was identified interaction between the hydrogel medium and a system "dye-a catecholamine". It was shown that physical and chemical properties of hydrogel affect the characteristics of cyclic voltammetry as well as the electrochemical transformations of adrenaline and dopamine. It was marked microconcentric action of the hydrogel. In some cases it allows to record higher peak value of the current than in the aquatic environment. The presence of hydrogel on the electrode contributes to a more complete registration of redox transformations of catecholamines and their metabolites. The CVA curves have quantitative and qualitative differences because of different diffusion and adsorption properties of adrenaline and dopamine in such medium.

adrenaline, dopamine, poly (toluidine blue), guar gum, polyacrylamide, cyclic voltammetry
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