In order to evaluate the danger of waters contaminated with xenobiotics for the living organisms, the effect of low doses of water-soluble substances was investigated. In particular, we used the following substances: antitumor drug Cyclophosphamide (C), hormone Dexamethasone (D), and Zinc sulfate (Zn). All they acted on the total transmembrane potential of the plasma and mitochondrial membranes (TMP) and on energy activity of the population (EAP) of mononuclear (MN) cells isolated from donor blood. Dose-dependent effects of substances were evaluated by the changes in the fluorescence intensity and color of cationic probe 4-(n-dimethylaminostyryl)-1-methylpyridinium(DSM) in the cell mitochondria and nuclei using microfluorometer and flow cytometer. Experimentally threshold doses of test substances were established. A relative safety of small D doses (10-4-10-6) mg/l was revealed. But at the dose 2∙10-3 mg /l a modulating D-effect concerning the indicator of EAP was found. Some decrease in EAP of the active MN cells was detected in almost whole range of C concentrations. However, in comparative experiments on MN with low TMP levels, the mitochondria stimulating C-effect (2∙10-5 mg/l) was found. The presence of Zn and C (10-3 mg/l) in cell suspensions decrease in TMP and EAP. According to electrodiffusion theory, with long-term exposure to the body, small doses of cationic drugs can be toxic to the energy status of immune cells.
yclophosphamide, zinc sulfate, fluorescent probe DSM, mononuclear blood cells, energy activity, mitochondria, transmembrane potential
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