Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The comparative analysis of some growth characteristics of the periphyton bacterial and yeast cultures of hydrobiological cleaning systems of sea water is given. The study of microorganisms in this aspect is of interest to identify their role in the processes of self-purification and transformation of pollutants. Pure cultures of representatives of mass genera of bacteria and periphyton yeasts were used in the experiment. It was found that the average biomass growth rate for all bacterial cultures was maximum after 50 hours of the experiment (0.98-1.28 % / h), and then decreased to 0.35-0.46 % / h. The yeast biomass growth rate is also maximum in the first 50 hours (1.62-1.72 % / h), by the end of the experiment it was 0.55-0.58 % / h. The growth kinetics of Candida sea yeast has been studied. It is shown that their growth rate is higher than that of bacteria. The values of biomass growth in yeasts have increased over time. It has been quantitatively confirmed that the colored forms of yeast organisms reproduce less intensively and this can affect the frequency of their occurrence. The obtained results can be used to calculate the self-cleaning ability of the water areas in which the hydrobiological cleaning systems are located or will be located. When working on active associations of microorganisms-destructors of pollutants, it is also necessary to take into account the speed and nature of their growth.

kinetic growth characteristics, marine yeasts, bacteria, hydrobiological cleaning systems, Black sea
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