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Abstract (English):
The article describes quantitatively the absorption spectrum of the acetone extract of chlorophyll and micro-algae Spirulina platensis by three Gauss curves in the range from 550 to 700 nm. The obtained model, with the correction of the absorption maximum shift, taking into account the pigment packing in the cells, is taken as a basis for the description of the absorption spectrum of the native form of chlorophyll a in the range of 600-700 nm. Spectrum of aqueous extract of phycobilins is also described as Gaussian, but with no adjustments for packing. Using the total model it is possible to describe the red region of the absorption spectrum of S. platensis culture and determine the concentration of chlorophyll and phycobilins by the absorption spectrum of native cultures.

spirulina, chlorophyll a, phycobilins, absorption spectra, Gaussians
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