This work presents an original methodological and technical approach based on low-field spin-echo NMR for non-invasive and continuous study of water transfer in the roots of intact plants under impact of elevated concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). To realize this approach, portable plant growth chamber, that can be paired with an NMR system and a gas system, was made. The study of the intensity of intercellular water transfer was carried out on the basis of measuring of water self-diffusion coefficient in the root tissues. For this, the spin-echo NMR method with a pulsed magnetic field gradient was used. Using the method presented in the present work, it was shown that water permeability of cells in radial direction of root suction zone decreases by about 1.5 times with CO2 enrichment to a maximum value of 1%/ For the first time, the dynamics of changes in water conductivity in the roots depending on the concentration of CO2 was obtained. It was shown that the magnitude and the rate of decreasing of water conductivity is increase with CO2 concentration enrichment. It is supposed, that transmembrane pathway of water transfer through aquaporins makes a significant contribution to the total decrease in the intercellular water conductivity in root tissues under elevated CO2 concentration.
carbon dioxide, water transport in plant roots, nuclear magnetic resonance
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