The estimation of limit productivity and coefficient of carbon absorption by Dunaliella viridis culture grown during bubbling of suspension with the help of aquarium spray was carried out. Provided that the content of carbon dioxide in the air is 0.04 %, the limit productivity of the culture of microalgae is 0.622 g SV/(l∙day), while the minimum volume of air that must be fed to the photobioreactor for growing 1 g of biomass is 2310 L. With an increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air by 0.01%, the value of the limit productivity increases by 1.35 times. It was experimentally shown that at the surface illumination of a photobioreactor of 10 klx, the air purge rate of 1 l / l per minute, the absorption carbon coefficient of D. viridis culture is 18 %, and the number of cells that can grow on one gram of carbon is 0.74 million/ml.a comparative assessment of the absorption carbon coefficient of different types of microalgae was carried out. Changes in the value of this parameter were observed in D. viridis, P. purpureum and D. salina , which can be explained by different light conditions. The generalized parameters of microalgae growth defined in this paper can be used to optimize their cultivation with different methods of carbon supply.
Dunaliella viridis, storage culture, maximum productivity, carbon dioxide, air
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