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Abstract (English):
It is established that the chirality mechanisms and chiral properties are invariant for both macroscopic and microscopic objects. Chiral systems have a number of remarkable properties that allow self-organization in complex systems. In this paper, the properties of chiral systems are examined by the example of energy-intensive elastic twisted filaments with a free energy reserve and elements of chiral asymmetry. The following properties of macroscopic chiral systems are established: the effect of elasticity during bending of the thread, the less the elasticity in bending, the smaller the step of the double helix and vice versa; it is permissible to twist three, four or more elastic threads, there are no restrictions. The strength of a system of several twisted threads increases with an increase in the number of twisted threads; chiral systems are energy storage devices; there is the possibility of the growth of "whiskers" in the chiral system; the need for the existence of “locks” in chiral structures connecting individual twisted strands of the chiral system; the influence of the initial conditions on the occurrence of chirality; scale invariance of the scaling evolution of chiral systems takes place. Many chirality properties for macroscopic mechanical systems also occur at the molecular level.

macroscopic chiral systems, energy-intensive twisted threads, energy accumulators, chiral system locks, large-scale invariance
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