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Abstract (English):
The spatial and electronic structures of complexes consisting of a carnosine molecule with one cobalt ion Co(II) or Co(III) were investigated using the molecular mechanics MM+ and the semi-empirical method of quantum chemistry РМ3. The impact of the cobalt atom on the geometric and energy parameters of the complexes in both tautomeric forms of the imidazole ring of carnosine N1H and N3H was studied. In the studied complexes N1H+Co+H and N3H+Co+H, the Co(II) atom is joined by a coordination bond with one of the nitrogen atoms of the imidazole ring. For the complex of carnosine with Co(III) ion a structure was chosen where the cobalt atom has a coordination number of four and forms a chelate ring of seven bonds. The energy preference of complexes with the tautomeric form of N3H is shown. The carnosine complex in the tautomeric form of N3H with the cobalt ion Co(III) is more stable, the nitrogen atom of the imidazole ring of which is an electron donor. A complex consisting of four carnosine molecules, coordinated by two cobalt ions connected by an oxygen bridge and water molecules, was also investigated. In the process of binding, each cobalt atom forms coordination cavities in the form of two six-membered chelate rings and an imidazole carnosine ring, which has a common coordination bond with the chelate ring. This complex turned out to be the most energy stable.

carnosine, complexes, cobalt, quantum chemical calculations, structure
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