Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the methods of synthesis, as well as data of spectral-fluorescent study for new supramolecular systems based on chlorin e6 (Ce6) with various biocompatible excipients, such as hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol, poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone, sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose, dimethylsulfoxide, Cremophor ® PEG-40. The choice of these excipients is due to their high use as biocompatible materials treated as a part of pharmacological drugs. High efficiency of such systems as cremophore ® PEG-40-Ce6 and poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone-Ce6 for fluorescent diagnostics and photodynamic therapy is shown. Spectral-fluorescent characteristics of these systems have been found to indicate the disaggregation of Ce6 molecules, their sequential interaction with excipients in solutions and a formation of molecular associates and molecular complexes of pigment-pigment and pigment-solubilizer types. The obtained results can be useful for creation a method of controlled aggregation of photosensitizers (PS) as a part of supramolecular complexes, its application in the development of medicines with predicted photodynamic activity for photodynamic therapy and diagnostics and testing in vivo effective PS.

chlorin e6, supramolecular systems, spectral characteristics, optical absorption, fluorescence
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