Using rat RA kidney carcinoma as a model of experimental neoplasia, the effects of ozonized saline and the photodynamic treatment on the tumor growth and the level of spontaneous and induced DNA damage in rat blood leukocytes were studied. It was found that the combined parenteral administration of an ozonized physiological solution with ozone concentration of 400 μg/L in an ozone-oxygen mixture intraperitoneally and a 0.3% Photosens solution intratumorally with local exposure to light at a wavelength of 660±10 nm for 10 min causes a statistically significant inhibition of growth of rat kidney carcinoma and complete tumor regression in 50% of cases. On the 20th day of RA kidney carcinoma growth, the combined ozone-photodynamic treatment leads to a decrease in the level of spontaneous and induced DNA damage in rat blood leukocytes in comparison with the photodynamic treatment and the action of ozonized physiological solution separately.
DNA damage, ozone, photodynamic therapy, experimental oncology
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