The effect of hypoosmotic load on the blood of two species of marine fish, characterized by tolerance to the salinity factor, was studied in vivo experiment. The objects of study were the Black Sea gobies: Gobius cobitis (Pallas, 1814) - found in coastal waters, lagoons, estuaries and Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) - found in marine and fresh water. The control group of fish was kept at 12-14o/oo. Experimental groups of fish were within 44-45 days at 4,8-5,6o/oo. The water temperature was maintained at 15 + 1oC. Blood samples were taken at 1-5, 14-16 and 44-45 days of the experiment. Estimated water content in the blood, erythrocyte indices, the activity of Na+, K+-ATPase and the balance of Na+ and K+ on the membrane of the erythrocyte. Under hypoosmotic load G. cobitis showed no signs of active osmoregulation. The water content in the blood during the experiment increased by 9.5-14.2% (p < 0.001) and remained at this level throughout the observation period. This has resulted to svelling and lysis of the red blood cell mass. Simultaneously there was a dissipation of ionic gradients at the level of red blood cells and a decrease in the activity of Na+, K+-ATPase. N. melanostomus , on the contrary, compensated for the initial (1-5 days) increase in blood water content. It showed no signs of svelling or lysis of red blood cells. In this case, red blood cells showed signs of active osmoregulation. At hydration of blood plasma, they had a directed yield of K+ while maintaining the Na+ content in the cell. In comparison with G. cobitis , preparations of erythrocyte membranes N. melanostomus differed increased activity of Na+, K+-ATPase. These qualities apparently to allow were tolerate N. melanostomus to wide range of salinity fluctuations and are the basis of its euryhalinity.
marine fish, hypoosmotic load, blood, red blood cells, the balance of Na+ and K+, activity of Na+, K+-ATPase
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