This article considers an approach based on the use of alternative mathematical methods to estimate the influence of the permanent gas-burning torch of the Achinsk oil refinery (AOR) on the nearby mixed aspen-birch forest. The perimeter and area of the leaf plate, as well as the fractal ratio of the first to the square root of the second, were investigated for the birch and aspen foliage located at a distance of 500 m from the torch. To provide reliable and valuable interpretations for the large data sets, our analysis employs not only their usual statistical processing but also special procedures aimed at a possible detection of hidden information. In particular results of cluster analysis and that based on the use of the Kruskal- Wallis criterion suggested that there is a response to the prolonged stress exposure, possibly aimed at optimizing of the morphometric parameters.
Achinsk refinery, torch for burning of passing gases, birch/aspen forest, morphometry of birch leaves
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