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Abstract (English):
In recent years, much research has been devoted to the development of effective systems for the delivery of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids ([omega] - 3, [omega] - 6) and various functional nutraceuticals (antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols, etc.) to the human body through food systems. Some of these systems are soy phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposome-based nanocoplexes with included nutraceuticals, long-term consumption of which can affect the antioxidant status of various organs and tissues of living organisms. In the present work, the method of thermoinitiated chemiluminescence (TIC) was used to study the change in antioxidant activity (AOA) of brain lipids of six mice groups depending on the composition of liposome nanocoplexes introduced into their long-term (3 months) diet. The components of six types of liposomal nanocomplexes, except for PC, in different combinations were: clove essential oil (CEO), fish oil and sodium caseinate (Cas-Na). The results of the study showed that nanocomplexes containing liposomes from PC with the addition of fish oil, CEO and encapsulated milk protein (Cas-Na) proved to be the most effective in increasing mouse brain lipid AOA compared to control.

functional nutraceuticals, liposome, essential oil cloves, fish oil, sodium caseinate, antioxidant, chemiluminescence
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