Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The dependence of the efficiency of conversion of electromagnetic radiation energy into free energy for isothermal endergonic processes in open systems is obtained by the ” black box” thermodynamic method and it is shown that the range of long-standing problems of modern photobiology finds a general and exhaustive explanation. The answer is given to the question why the human eye has zero sensitivity in the maximum solar radiation. This is the result of a thermodynamic limitation on converting IR radiation into free energy.This prohibition prescribes the existence of the Purkyne shift in the human eye during the transition from day to night and predicts the existence of the Purkyné shift in many photo phenomena with a complex photosensitivity spectrum. This allows us to explain the most complex dynamic curves of different types of photo movement. The existence of negative phototaxis, phobotaxis, and photokinesis in high light conditions is explained by a drop in efficiency under the conditions of a superlinear increase in the entropy generation rate. Unsuccessful attempts of scientists to increase the efficiency of plant photosynthesis are due to the fact that Nature has exhausted these possibilities, placing photosynthesis in the maximum efficiency of isothermal endoergonic processes.

human vision, photomovement of protozoa, photosynthesis of plants, entropy generation rate
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