Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the effect of milk and dairy products on the mechanical properties of tooth enamel. Numerous studies have found that various drinks and juices affect the demineralization and mechanical properties of tooth enamel - elastic modules, hardness, roughness and others. In this case, acid juices with a pH of less than 4 and carbonated drinks, including Coca Cola®, have the greatest negative effect. Coca-Cola® drink significantly changed the surface structure of enamel, distorted the shape of the surface, caused erosive damage and cracks. The effect on milk and milk products on enamel is less studied, and the available data are very fragmented and often contradictory. The report summarizes the results of studies on the effect of various dairy products on the parameters of the mechanical properties of enamel in human teeth, mainly microhardness and roughness (milk mixtures are almost not included and are not considered). The issues related to the fluorination of milk in order to study the anti-caries potential of fluorinated milk and its effect on the processes of enamel demineralization are discussed.

tooth enamel, mechanical properties, milk, dairy products
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