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Abstract (English):
Currently, the problem of developing the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is becoming increasingly important. There are different options for creating new groups of antibiotics, it is possible to increase the antibacterial activity of antibiotics by exposing them to a magnetic field. The effect of the microenvironment on the activity of an antibiotic when exposed to high-intensity pulsed magnetic field (PMF) is investigated. An increase in the pharmacological activity of powdered benzylpenicillin and an antibiotic with a cellulose carrier was detected after irradiation with a pulsed magnetic field at certain values of intensity, frequency and number of pulses. The presence of an additional microenvironment can make a difference in the effect of a pulsed magnetic field on molecules. For example, the presence of cellulose can change the movement of molecules after exposure to cellulose films with a substance of pulsed magnetic fields. Such a natural polymer as cellulose can be used in combination with a drug. Scientific work is relevant, because in the conditions of a pulsed magnetic field, it is possible to modify polymer materials with drugs to give these materials antimicrobial activity. This method will significantly expand the possibilities of using such materials in medicine.

benzylpenicillin, cellulose carrier, biological activity, pulsed magnetic field
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