Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The proposed material presents data from our results of experimental investigations and analysis of published data on the use of nanomaterials in bioelectromagnetic studies. The main attention is paid to the role of liquid nanovesicles (liposomes) with the functions of drug carriers and their sustained release in the human body. It is assumed that the antiplatelet action of the liposomal form of LА (lipoic acid) is induced by inhibition of the initiation of lipid peroxidation products. Microwave radiation had an inhibitory effect on the process of incorporation of LA into liposomes. The possible role of nanoparticles in changing surface membrane potential of blood cells is noted in the paper, it may lead to electroporation of cell membranes. The information of nanoparticles effect on electrodynamic characteristics of cellular suspensions is given, the results of using nanoparticles in radio microwave thermotherapy are shown. An effective method has been developed for calculating the nonlinear dynamic hysteresis of superparamagnetic nanoparticles under the influence of external electromagnetic fields. The results of theoretical studies of the stationary response to an external ac field of arbitrary strength of ferromagnetic nanoparticles with mixed uniaxial and cubic anisotropy are presented. The nonlinear dynamic susceptibility, dynamic magnetic hysteresis loops and their normalized areas are calculated. The stationary response to an alternating field demonstrates low-frequency relaxation (due to transitions between metastable states) and high-frequency ferromagnetic resonance.

radio and microwave radiation, cell suspensions, metal nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, absorption of radio frequency radiation, electroporation of membranes, dielectric properties of normal and malignant tissue, superparamagnetic particles, nonlinear dynamic hysteresis
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