Pushchino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pushchino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pushchino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Preincubation of neutrophil suspension when exposed to near null magnetic field created by a system of magnetic shields (the residual static magnetic field not greater than 20 nT) is associated with a significant decrease in the intensity of lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence of neutrophils. The effect of weak magnetic field persists while increasing static magnetic field up to 1 µT. This effect disappears when the level of exposure increases further up to 2.5 µT and appears again in the range of 7 µT. Then, when static magnetic field is 44 µT in magnitude, the values of the chemiluminescence intensity of neutrophils do not really differ from a control. Addition of the NADPH-oxidase inhibitor diphenyliodonium to the incubation medium caused attenuation in the chemiluminescence activity both in the exposed and control samples (geomagnetic field). Differences induced by near null magnetic field were observed almost to the same extent between exposed and control samples at both lower (2.5; 5; 10 μM), and higher (50; 100 μM) concentrations of diphenyliodonium. In contrast, the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol, the uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, at concentrations of 5 μM up to 200 μM virtually completely blunted differences which were observed between exposed and control samples at lower concentrations of this inhibitor or in the absence of it.
neutrophils, near null magnetic field, superoxide anion radical, chemiluminescence, lucigenin, NADPH-oxidase, mitochondria
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