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Abstract (English):
The paper describes the choice of a logical model, as well as the stabilization mode for automatic control systems of microalgae growth. The absorption spectra of the culture and acetone extracts of the microalgae Spirulina platensis and Dunaliella salina were quantitatively described by three Gauss curves in the range from 550 to 700 nm. The normalized spectra of cultures of the microalgae Spirulina platensis and Dunaliella salina are also described, and the difference in the absorption spectra in the region of 550-700 nm is determined. Based on the results of approximating the difference in the absorption spectra of the cultures, a model of chlorophyll b was obtained. Based on the data obtained, as well as their comparison, it was concluded that this model meets the requirements for the designed instrument base.

spirulina, chlorophyll a, absorption spectra, Gaussians, system of automatic control of microalgae growth
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