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Abstract (English):
The paper compares the growth rates of the red microalgae Porphyridium purpureum and cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis at different values of surface irradiation for a linear phase of the batch curve. The illumination values measured in the klux are translated into irradiance values (energy PAR) taking into account the radiation spectrum of the fluorescent lamps. The values of maximum productivity on a linear phase of batch curves are determined. For P. purpureum , the highest value of this parameter was 0.62 g/(l·day) with a surface illumination of 15 klux, for A. platensis - 0.28 g/(l·day) at 8.3 klux. The dependence of maximum productivity on irradiation was studied, and the values of the tangent of the slope angle of the linear regression were calculated. The value of which was 0.1 for P. purpureum and 0.2 for A. platensis . It is shown that the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the culture density for both species is described with high accuracy (R2 = 0.99) by the Booger-Lambert-Behr equation. The specific extinction coefficient was determined, which was 0.08 and 0.14 for P. purpureum and A. platensis , respectively. A model of the dependence of the specific growth rate of a microalgae culture on its biomass is proposed. Model was based on the assumption that the specific rate of synthesis is directly proportional to the amount of absorbed light energy. Verification of the model showed high compliance (R2 = 0.98) with experimental data.

linear growth phase, maximum productivity, specific growth rate, irradiance, light absorption coefficient, specific extinction coefficient
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