Despite the efforts of scientists, the problems of premature aging, as well as diseases such as cancer, diabetes, herpes zoster, osteoporosis, and others still remain unresolved. Guanidine compounds have a strong effect on these processes. According to the mechano-chemiosmotic mechanism we have developed, energy transformation both in the synthesis and in the hydrolysis of ATP occurs with the direct participation of amino acid residues of arginine (a physiological compound of guanidine) and lysine. In addition, arginine and lysine are involved in many processes in the cell metabolism. Since arginine in the body is synthesized up to 28-30 years, we believe that aging begins with a decrease in arginine synthesis. After this age, it is necessary to maintain the arginine content in the organism by taking it exogenously, and the lysine content of an essential amino acid must be constantly replenished. For this purpose, we have developed and registered biologically active additives - the PULDIS energet R and PULDIS herpoff K preparations, containing L-arginine and L-lysine, respectively. In this regard, we offer a recipe for healthy longevity.
mechano-chemiosmotic mechanism, aging, disease, arginine, lysine
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