Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The labor is given an overview of methods for determining the activity of enzymes of six classes in the view of its localization in the cell. During the research we determined the subcellular localization of enzymes of different classes and it was revealed that the most of them are concentrated in the cytoplasm and on the cell membrane, because they have wide range of effects. The smallest number of enzymes is located on the ribosomes and in the nuclear extract, which is associated with their specific functions. We also have analyzed methods of determining the activity of enzymes and it was divided into widely and narrowly used groups. The separation is justified by the main characteristics of the methods and the main criterion is the effectiveness of the result. The first group includes spectral methods (spectrophotometry, photometry, etc.) and the colorimetry (based on color reactions). The second group includes methods of polarimetry, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray diffraction analysis, etc.

cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, nuclear, UV-kinetic methods, spectrophotometry, method of NMR, method of ESR, methods of electrochemistry, colorimetry
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