The morphology of dried blood plasma samples from patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE) of the brain was studied. The structural features of dried blood plasma drops of patients diagnosed with various degrees of brain DE were revealed before and after intravenous and intravenous laser irradiation of blood. It is shown that it is possible to clarify the diagnosis by assigning the tumor to different types. Semi-quantitative results of spatial distribution of calcium on the surface of a dried drop of biological liquids and in layers using the method of laser atomic emission spectrometry were obtained. It is shown that the method of laser atomic emission spectrometry makes it possible to quantify changes in protein centers and is an operational highly sensitive tool in the diagnosis of diseases. The analysis of blood plasma samples was performed using atomic emission multichannel spectrometry. An integral assessment of the metabolism of vital elements (VNE) is given. A significant increased content of aluminum, iron, calcium, zinc and reduced magnesium was found in all patients both before and after surgery. The identified microelementoses can affect the features of the clinical course of the disease and justify the expediency of supplementing therapy with medication complexes for the correction of mineral metabolism. The obtained experimental data can be the basis for further development of the methodology for early diagnosis of violations of the level of functional reserves of the body and the development of a system of rehabilitation measures.
atomic-emission spectral analysis, blood plasma, biological fluids, drop morphology, laser atomic-emission spectrometry, spatial distribution of calcium, layer-by-layer analysis
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