Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work gives a characteristic of the transcriptional activity of the dlg4, mpz, anxa5, agrn, chat genes in the motor neurons of the lumbar spinal cord and in the sciatic nerve of mice under long-term (30 days) hind limb unloading in comparison with the control group under normal vivarium conditions. Corresponding proteins play an important role in maintaining the structure and conductivity of the peripheral nerve. Selected genes, according to the results of previous studies, increased the level of activity after a 30-day spaceflight. The organization of a model experiment on Earth allowed to trace the dynamics of changes depending on the duration of hanging, and also to compare their manifestations in neurons of the lumbar spinal cord and in the sciatic nerve. According to our data, there is an approximately two-week period during which the system tries to function without radical changes in its metabolism. After this period, adaptation mechanisms results in the sharp activation of these genes (except of mpz).

hind limb unloading, gene expression, sciatic nerve
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