The article presents an analysis of the literature on currently available methods for diagnosing acute intestinal infection (Oki) of viral etiology. This work considers the ELISA method, identifies it’s advantages and disadvantages compared to other known methods of laboratory diagnostics. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed by the study of changes in the concentration of viral antigen in fecal samples of patients aged 18 to 85 with rot and norovirus infection. Carrying out ELISA with use of a set of reagents vector-best allowed to establish the concentration of viral antigens in the copromaterial of patients, as well as to determine the severity of the disease in individuals of different ages and genders. It was found that rotavirus infection was acute and severe among women of age 36-55 and with an average degree of severity among men of age 36-60. During the norovirus infection, short-term symptoms of gastroenteritis accompanied by moderate or light pain and intoxication syndrome, are most characteristic.
acute intestinal infection, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, norovirus, rotavirus
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