The paper shows the possibility of obtaining high-performance silicon sorbents based on acid decomposition of nepheline concentrate with specified structural and surface properties - specific surface area and volume, particle diameter, etc. The physical and chemical properties of silicon dioxide samples obtained by decomposition of nepheline concentrate with nitric and sulfuric acids are given, and it is proposed to use the systems H2SO4-H2O and H2SO4-C2H5OH when opening nepheline with a solution of sulfuric acid. Data on sorption-desorption and distribution of pore volume by their diameter of the SiO2 samples obtained are given. Conclusions are made about the type and shape of the pores prevailing in the samples. It is shown that both meso-and micro - and macroporous silicas with a developed specific surface area (285¸600 m2/g) can be obtained from nepheline. It is concluded that silicon sorbents with controlled structural and surface properties can be obtained on the basis of nepheline concentrate.
amorphous silicon dioxide, nepheline, sorption, BET surface area, porous structure
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