Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The work is devoted to the interrelation of the light absorption by plant leaves and bioelectric potentials generated in the rhizosphere. The experimental setup based on non-invasive sensors has been made to measure in vivo the physical parameters of the plant state in the process of development - the dynamics of light absorption by leaves and biopotentials in the rhizosphere, as well as automatic monitoring of environmental parameters. The correlation of temperature and air humidity, humidity of the root habitat changes with the electrical properties of the root system and the conversion of light energy under artificial lighting were measured using the developed multifunctional method of phytomonitoring. It was registered that values of bioelectric potentials (BEP) vary within 40-120 mV for chlorophytum during 1-30 days of its development and 50-250 mV for lettuce on days 20-33 of the growing season, and the absorption coefficients vary from 0.6 up to 0.8 for salad and 0.6-0.7 for chlorophytum. The calculated values of the light conversion efficiency, which is defined as the ratio of the generated electric energy in the root zone to the light energy consumed by the plant, were 0.8 ppb for lettuce, 0.4 ppm for chlorophytum. The results can be applied to improve the technology for environmentally friendly green energy, based on the conversion of light energy into electricity - plant-microbial fuel cells.
bioelectric potential, light absorption, non-invasive measurement, sensors, Arduino
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