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Abstract (English):
Here we address Stress-Induced DNA Duplex Destabilization (SIDD) for T7 bacteriophage promoters genome cascade regulation. Earlier the DNA parameter was shown to affect functioning several kinds of regulatory regions including T7 promoters. Indeed, this rather short (ca. 20 nucleotides) sequences of native promoters in T7 genome cannot explain how exactly they are recognised by T7-RNA-polymerase in a highly specific and adjustable manner. They are not long enough and similar in sequence - that sometimes even shared. Reasonable explanation here is that some additional kind of coding, e.g. by DNA physical properties. These govern biomolecular interaction directly while also encoded by DNA primary sequence - fact posing question whether they are phenotype or genotype. Here we calculated whole-genome profiles for T7 bacteriophage with gradually changing parameters (temperature, ionic strength, and superhelical density). As a result we see that early regions of the genome are destabilized more easily which might be involved in regulation of gene expression as well as differential recognition of promoters.

genomics, DNA physics, SIDD, promoter, bacteriophage Т7
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