We found violations of the physical and chemical state of lipids and red cells membrane proteins in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in children. In red blood cells of children with this clonal disease, there is a change in the fluorescence parameters of lipophilic probes of different localization in the membrane, which indicates a modification of lipids at different depths of the lipid bilayer. In the red cells membranes of children with MDS, there is a violation of the structural state of protein components and protein oxidation, which may be an important link in the pathogenesis of anemic syndrome. Data on changes in the physical and chemical properties of cell membranes in patients with MDS can be used to create methods for differential diagnosis and to develop biophysical tests to predict the course of this disease.
myelodysplastic syndromes, red cells membranes, fluorescent probes, protein oxidation, children
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