In our work, we studied the biometric indicators and the content of photosynthetic pigments in radish seedlings ( Raphanus sativus var. Radicula ), the seeds of which were treated with solutions of chitosan of various concentrations in various organic acids (acetic, ascorbic, lactic) with the addition of complex fertilizer, and X-ray radiation (characteristic Mo radiation, accelerating voltage 20 kV, current 1 mA). In this case, the germination rate of unirradiated seeds was 50%, irradiated for 20 min - 80%, for 40 min - 20%. Seeds treated with 0.2% and 2% solutions of chitosan in 1% acetic and lactic acids did not germinate at all. Seeds treated with a 0.2% solution of chitosan in ascorbic acid and irradiated, sprouted, although their germination was lower - 10-20%. At the same time, the highest concentration of photosynthetic pigments was found in these sprouts. Seed treatment with mineral fertilizer followed by drying and irradiation led to the decrease in germination in the experimental irradiated variants: germination was 20% and 30% depending on the dose (20 and 40 min, respectively) when irradiated after treatment; 30 and 40% when irradiated before treatment. The germination rate of seeds inlaid with a 2% solution of chitosan in 2% ascorbic acid amounted to 50%, irradiated in various doses - 10%. Irradiation of seeds in most cases leads to a decrease in the content of the main photosynthetic pigments in seedlings. However, in the case of using mineral fertilizers and a solution of chitosan in ascorbic acid in combination with irradiation, on the contrary, it leads to an increase in the content of pigments in comparison with the control.
X-ray radiation, radiation technology, chitosan, seed treatment, Raphanus sativus
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