Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
In this work, the influence of orcinol (3,5-dihydroxytoluene; 5-methylresorcinol) on model membranes of a gram-negative bacterial cell of Escherichia coli and the migration of orcinol molecules through model membranes and through the pores of the outer membrane formed by porins were investigated using the methods of classical molecular dynamics. Both the inner membrane leaflets and the inner leaflet of the outer membrane were modeled as mixed layers of 75% POPE / 25% POPG lipids. The outer leaflet of the outer membrane was composed of lipopolysaccharides. The dynamics of model membranes in the presence of orcinol was studied. Using the potential of mean force, the free energy profiles of migration of the orcinol molecule through the porin channel and the membrane were determined. It was found that the main mechanism of migration of orcinol molecules into the cell is diffusion through bilayers. It has been shown that orcinol molecules can both penetrate into the cell through membranes for interaction with intracellular structures, and can easily integrate into bilayers, changing their physicochemical parameters.
5-methylresorcinol, orcinol, E. coli membrane, molecular dynamics, migration of small molecules through the bacterial membrane
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