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Abstract (English):
The article examines the actual problem of drug delivery on a fundamentally new basis. In contrast to the idea of using nanoparticles of the "core shell" type, where core is a healing substance, and shell is an organic coating that overcomes physiological barriers, the new concept is associated with the use of special properties of soliton excitation on biopolymer own chains, which have verniers "stuffed" with elastic, electronic vibrational or spin excitations moving along with the vernier over long distances (without decay) to the region of the biochemical reaction zone, where the excitation decays nonradiatively on the substrate producing a therapeutic effect. For detailed approbation of the idea, the Frenkel-Kontorova crowdion model (1938) was used as a soliton, but taking into account, first, the modified electronic structure of the vernier, second, its motion along the biopolymer, and third, its possible chirality (helicity) and fourthly, the fractality of its atomic structure. All these elements of analysis, which are components of the now gaining strength of the powerful Complexity methodology, made it possible to examine from various angles the totality of characteristics of the soliton method of delivering a therapeutic state (and not a drug!) And assess the possibilities of this new side of nanomedicine. The results obtained on the first, simplest, nonlinear, one-dimensional model of the Frenkel-Kontorova crowdion demonstrated new interesting possibilities of complex quasiparticles - the basic concept of condensed matter physics.

condensed matter physics, biology, medicine, complexity, drug delivery, soliton, Frenkel-Kontorova crowdion, nonradiative transitions, biochemical reaction
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