The study of underwater sounds emitted by toothed whales is in demand from the point of view of ecology, underwater navigation, and military applications. Mechanisms of radiation and reception of sounds by toothed whales are the most complex problems of bioacoustics. The study, analysis, and systematization of cetacean sounds can make it possible to identify the species and number of individuals. On the other hand, toothed whales are emitters of the highest frequency sounds with complex types of modulation. If the location of the source and receiver is known, time-frequency analysis of the sound field can be used to invert the acoustic properties of the waveguide. The paper provides an overview of the species of marine mammals - toothed whales and radiated types of high-frequency sounds. The results are presented in the form of time implementations and spectrograms. It is shown that waveguide conditions of sound propagation introduce specific dispersion distortions. There can be a big difference between the sound emitted and recorded using a hydrophone. The paper shows the principal possibility of using high-frequency mammalian sounds to solve problems of inversion of acoustic properties of a waveguide.
marine mammal sounds, time-frequency analysis, multipath propagation
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