Modern nanomedicine has achieved impressive success in the search and creation of new classes of drugs used in the treatment of cancer. It is known that anticancer drugs have a low therapeutic index, and their effectiveness is limited by their high general toxic level, metabolic instability in the body, and poor penetration into the cancer cell. To solve such problems, carriers of anticancer drugs are used, which would protect the drug from the effects of enzymes and prevent their biodegradation in biological fluids, for example, in blood. Numerous studies in recent years are aimed at finding and creating effective blood substitutes, including dextran (C6H10O5)n - glucose polymer produced by different species of bacteria of the streptococcal family. Dextran does not cause toxic reactions and excludes the possibility of transmission of the serum hepatitis virus. In this work, the methods of molecular modeling and quantum chemistry are used to study the spatial and electronic structure of the glucose-monomeric unit of dextran, and the effect of the aquatic environment on its electronic-conformational properties. The spatial and electronic structure of the monomeric unit of dextran-glucose was researched by semiempirical methods of molecular mechanics and quantum chemistry using computer programs, complexes of glucose and di-glucose with iron oxide Fe2O3 were studied. Geometric parameters characterizing the energetically stable states of the studied compounds and their coordination complexes are calculated.
dextran, glucose, di-glucose, iron oxide
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