Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
0.2 M solutions of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and acetone were simultaneously diluted by water with shaking to a dilution of 15C - a hundredfold dilution made 15 times. As a control, we used the initial purified water without any treatment, as well as water repeatedly poured from a test tube into a test tube before measurement (dynamized water). In addition, we investigated water diluted with water up to the fifteenth centesimal dilution (H2O-15C). Fluorescence (lex = 260 nm), Rayleigh light scattering (lex = lobs. = 260 nm), electrical conductivity, redox potential and its jump after two minutes of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of these samples were studied. It was shown by the method of flicker noise spectroscopy that the most abrupt changes in the state of water systems occur with a similar set of frequencies in the millihertz range, but with different amplitudes and ratios of the contribution of individual frequencies. After preparation and at least for the next two days, the systems NaCl-15C, KCl-15C, and C3H6O-15C significantly differ from each other and from water in terms of the redox potential values and the redox potential jump as a result of UV irradiation. UV irradiation results in different changes in conductivity for these systems over time. The observed effects reflect the dynamics of reactive oxygen species formed during the dilution and shaking of each of the aqueous systems,
highly diluted aqueous systems, reactive oxygen and water forms (ROS), redox potential, electrical conductivity, UV irradiation
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