Although enantiomers of drugs have identical physicochemical properties in an isotropic medium, they can exhibit completely different biological activities. It is crucial to take into account the peculiarities of the interaction of isomers with asymmetric compounds of the body when creating drugs, since it may turn out that one form of a drug has a therapeutic effect, while the other is not absorbed, is less active, or even causes serious complications, being toxic to the body. The bioactivity of enantiomers, their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, the process of chiral inversion of optical isomers in living systems are being intensively studied at present. Differences in the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of enantiomers are determined by their specific interactions with chiral biomacromolecules. Elucidation of the nature of the chiral-hierarchical structure of target biomacromolecules and the symmetry structure of drugs is aimed at establishing the consistency and chiral correspondences of drugs and targets.
chirality, enantiomers, chiral drugs, stereospecificity, structure hierarchies
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