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Abstract (English):
This scientific paper considers methods for determining the components of the anticoagulant system of blood plasma, such as immunochemical methods (enzyme immunoassay, immunochemoluminescence, immunodiffusion, radioimmunoassay), anticoagulation method, chromogenic and clotting. With the help of clotting and chromogenic methods, revealed changes in such substances as AT III, protein C and protein S among women aged 35 to 44 years with a normal pregnancy and in the presence of genetic thrombotic predispositions in the anamnesis at different stages of pregnancy. There was a general tendency towards a decrease in the content of AT III and protein S in the blood plasma, and an increase in protein C. It was also noted that the indicators of the anticoagulant system in the blood plasma in pregnant women with a genetic thrombotic predisposition changed more significantly than in women with a normal pregnancy.

ICA, anticoagulation method, chromogenic method, clotting method, AT III, protein C, protein S, blood plasma, pregnancy, genetic thrombotic predispositions
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