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Abstract (English):
At the beginning of our research, the algae Scenedesmus guadricauda was chosen as a test object for phytoplankton organisms in aquatic toxicology. The effect of an aqueous dispersion of fullerene C60 at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 mg / l on the number of cells, the efficiency of photosynthesis and the proportion of living cells in the enrichment culture was studied. The concentration of 10 mg / l of fullerene C60 in the nutrient medium stimulated the efficiency of photosynthesis up to 25% in comparison with the control, while the number of algal cells increased by 27%. The stimulating effect was less pronounced at concentrations of 1 and 5 mg / l of fullerene. The second stage of our research was planktonic crustaceans ceriodaphnia dubia, which are highly sensitive to pollution of the aquatic environment with potentially toxic substances of various chemical nature. The effect of the investigated fullerene concentrations of 0.1 and 1 mg / l on ceriodaphnium showed an increase in body size up to 6% and fertility up to 144% in individuals of the experimental groups compared with the control. When exposed to a higher concentration of 1 mg / l, these differences are more significant. Thus, in the studied organisms, the stimulation of biological parameters is observed when fullerene is added to the nutrient medium, while the crustaceans ceriodaphnia dubia are more sensitive.

fullerene C60, stimulation, crustaceans, algae, photosynthesis, abundance
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