Pushchino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Using fluorescent histochemical method, the formation of biogenic amines dopamine and histamine in model systems of the mice blood and the pollen of Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. (fam. Gesneriaceae) has been studied at stress caused by ozone. Six physiotherapy regimes of ozone (dose 40-250 μl/L) were tested on healthy adult mice and plants in plastic chamber produced by the Orion-Si medical ozonator. Samples for fluorescent analysis have been treated with reagents for dopamine or histamine - glyoxylic acid or ortho-phthalic aldehyde, respectively. The increase in ultraviolet fluorescence at a wavelength of 460 nm, related to biogenic amines, has observed in male mices within an hour after the ozone exposure in dose 250 μl/L, and in females - only after day and less intense. In the first group after 3 days there was no biogenic amines, while in the second group - histamine has been recorded. Pollen of Saintpaulia as a model system was more sensitive to ozone. Its dopamine and histamine content increased as compared to control after exposure in ozone at the lowest dose of 40 μl/L, and then decreased or did not change as the dose increased. Pollen of room-grown plants may serve as the ozone-indicator in the air.
dopamine, histamine, histochemical analysis, fluorescence
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