Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
In experiments on yeast cells, the effect of various doses (5-100 Gу) of γ-rays was studied. Respiration sensitivity and rate of superoxide radical formation were investigated in irradiated yeast cells. The study of the parameters of LucCL in irradiated yeast cells revealed an increase in the reaction of ROS formation compared to control cells , which indicates an increase in the rate of formation of the superoxide anion radical (•O2-) and, thus, a high activity of NADPH-oxidase. Polarographic curves of oxygen absorption by C. guilliermondii cells show that as a result of irradiation of cells by low doses (5-50 Gу), was watched a slight inhibition of cell respiration. The study of the effect of high doses (75-100 Gу) showed that they significantly inhibit the respiration of yeast cells. These data coincide with the data when studying the effect of these doses on changes in the physical state of membranes and the survival of yeast cells. The obtained data allow us to conclude that there are differences in the response of yeast cells to the action of low and high doses of gamma radiation.
ionizing radiation, γ-rays, yeast cells, ROS, superoxide radical
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