The comparative states of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of seven-day wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L.) exposed for 24 hours to (10-3M ) toxic ions of CuSO4, NaCl, CuSO4+NaCl salts and extracts of licorice roots, sage leaves having protective properties under these stresses were carried out. It was shown that under all stresses, the formed reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes stress, reduced the content of chlorophylls (Chl b645 nm and Chl a680 nm) after 24 hours. The addition of both sage and licorice extracts to the stress seedlings under study restored the absorption capacity of both pigments. It canbe assumed that the studied extracts have antioxidant (AO) properties and are able to extinguish the ROS formed by the action of heavy metals (HM).
chlorophyll а and b, heavy metals, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, antioxidants
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