This article discusses the growth of microalgae in a batch culture before reaching the exponential phase. A simplified model is used to describe the dynamics of the reserve and structure. The model is represented by a system of differential equations. Solutions for this system have been obtained. Model curves for various initial ratios of the resource and structural components have been presented. It was shown that the biomass dynamics significantly depends not only on the external microalgae cultivation conditions but also on the initial reserve/structure ratio. At certain initial ratios, negative growth dynamics is also observed at the initial phase. This behavior is due to the high relative quantity of reserve in the biomass. It is shown that the reserve/structure ratio constancy is a necessary condition for the transition to the exponential phase. Thus, the pre-exponential phase is a transitional stage or adaptation process. During this stage, the specific rates of biochemical processes and the biochemical composition are constantly changing. Over time, a certain biochemical composition should be formed, which corresponds to the given light conditions.
microalgae, biochemical composition, latent growth phase, adaptation, specific growth rate, exponential growth, modeling
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