Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The informative capabilities of the gas-discharge visualization method for assessing the biological effect caused by agonists of potassium channels of erythrocytes were studied. The efficiency of electron transport depends on many factors; however, by the change in the energy spectrum of the emitted electrons, one can judge the degree of change in the conductivity of aqueous media K+ channels for electrons and, consequently, K+ ions to the corresponding channels. This allows to evaluate the optimal amount of a drug in the aquatic environment of the body to maximize the effect of drug usage. The data obtained indicate noticeable differences in the process of charge channeling in the presence of nicorandil in erythrocyte suspensions. It was found that as a result of the interaction of nicorandil cations with molecular complexes of the aqueous medium and the channel walls, the repulsion of electrons from the walls is observed, which ensures a high efficiency of charge transport.

gas-discharge imaging, drugs, K+ ion transport, potassium channels
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