The paper presents new experimental and theoretical results of the study of the mechanisms of stability and controllability of communities of hydrobionts (microorganisms) in open aquatic ecosystems. The basis is the search and study of physicochemical mechanisms of action of density growth-controlling factors (DGCF) and the laws of sustainable coexistence of natural populations. Experimental and theoretical results were achieved: 1) elements of the mathematical theory of similarity of aquatic ecosystems are developed on the basis of joint environmental-hydrophysical equations of dynamics of their state in a dimensionless form: 2) the connection (theorem) of the maximum number of coexisting species (n) and the number of DGCF (m) is proved: n < m; 3) through the change of the input DGCF rules for the formation of a community structure with a predetermined species composition and methods for searching DGCF are proposed; 4) the fundamental phenomenon of autostabilization of the DGCF is revealed: independence of background levels of the DGCF from their input flows. The general environmental significance of the results is discussed in terms of the fundamental improvement of the predictive "strength" of mathematical models of aquatic ecosystems.
ecosystem similarity, autostabilization, quantization theorem, coexistence principle, ecosystem models
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